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From Echoes Of Morroc
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== Swift Justice ==
== <span id="Swift_Justice" class="mw-headline">[[File:Judge.gif|25x25px|Judge.gif]]Swift Justice</span> ==
''Nota:'' The Judge is an Expert Job. It's not recommended for beginners. The core feature of the Judge is '''Complex management of SP and resource with a unique progression.'''
''El Juez requiere un nivel base de 15 y un nivel de trabajo de 10 para iniciar la búsqueda.''
Para detalles sobre la sede principal y las interacciones únicas del mundo de los jueces, consulta la página [[Judge Headquarters]].

The Judge tiene un potencial de combate poderoso usando revólveres. Un buen juez en el campo de batalla cambia el juego, un mal juez no es más que una pérdida.
'''Judge Requires Base Level 15 and Job Level 10 to start the quest.'''
Sus rotaciones se basan en fases de preparación y ráfagas muy definidas.

'''Mejor:''' Potencial de daño masivo, alta movilidad y alcance, regeneración muy rápida de SP.
For Details about the main HQ and unique world interactions of judges, check the [[Judge Headquarters]] page.
'''Peor:''' Pool de SP muy pequeño, frágil, extremadamente ávido de puntos de habilidad incluso con 100 niveles de trabajo.
'''Armas:''' Revólveres.

=== Identidad de juego ===
The Judge has powerful combat potential by using revolvers. A good Judge on the battlefield is a game changer, a bad judge is nothing but a waste.
El Juez tiene un alto potencial de daño, con una gestión adicional de recursos en forma de Seals, lo que hace al Juez:

'''Un trabajo de gestión intensa con múltiples capas de preparación que crece exponencialmente según su flujo de acción.'''
It's rotations are based on very defined preparation and burst phases.

Debido a su pool de SP muy pequeño, el Juez no puede simplemente spam de manera irreflexiva todas sus habilidades de una vez y esperar el éxito, necesita un flujo equilibrado de preparación de sus sellos (necesarios para la mayoría de sus habilidades) y usarlos para atacar a los enemigos.
'''Best:''' Massive damage potential, High mobility and range, very quick SP regen.

Por otro lado, el Juez tiene una regeneración muy rápida de SP con sus revólveres, cuando tiene control sobre cómo usar su pequeña reserva, pueden brillar y fluir rápidamente desde la preparación de sus sellos y el derribo rápido de enemigos.
'''Worst:''' Very small SP pool, squishy, extremely skill point starved even with 100 job levels.

=== Jugabilidad Principal ===
'''Weapons:''' Revolvers
La herramienta ofensiva principal del Juez es '''Absolution''', una habilidad poderosa que solo se puede usar después de una activación de doble ataque (generalmente de Akimbo Mastery).

Debido a esto, un buen Juez tendrá ASPD decente, aumentará la tasa de doble ataque tanto como sea posible para que sea confiable y use los sellos según sea necesario en la situación.
=== <span id="Gameplay_Identity" class="mw-headline">Gameplay Identity</span> ===

Algunas de las habilidades de un Juez interactúan de muchas maneras con sus niveles de trabajo, en el caso de Absolution, el número de golpes aumenta tanto con el nivel de habilidad como con el nivel de trabajo.
The Judge has a high damage potential, with an extra resource management in the way of the Seals, this makes the Judge:

Debido a su alto potencial de escalado y armas únicas, el Juez es un trabajo que tiene un inicio muy complejo, pero una vez dominado, puede moverse dentro y fuera del combate con gran fluidez.
<br />
'''An intense management job with multiple layers of preparation that grows exponentially according to its action flow.'''

Como nota final, Magister Eye aplica una marca a los enemigos, lo que permite que cualquier proc de Absolution golpee a múltiples enemigos en cualquier parte de la pantalla y haga 1 golpe extra.
<br />
Due to its very small SP pool, the Judge can't just mindslessly spam all its skills at once and hope for success, it needs a balanced flow of preparing it's seals (required for most of its skills), and using them to attack enemies.

== Habilidades ==
On the other hand the Judge has very fast SP regeneration with its revolvers, when it has control of how to use its small reserve, they can shine and quickly flow from preparing their seals and bursting down enemies quickly.
El Juez tiene acceso a 100 niveles de trabajo, incluso con tantos, se requiere un gasto correcto de puntos ya que las habilidades tienen requisitos e interacciones sustanciales.

{| class="wikitable" style="font-weight:normal; text-align:left; width: 100%; min-width: 700px;" cellpadding="20"
=== <span id="Core_Gameplay" class="mw-headline">Core Gameplay</span> ===
The Judge's main offensive tool is '''Absolution''' a powerful skill that can only be used after a double attack proc (usually from Akimbo Mastery).
Due to this, a good Judge will have decent ASPD, increase the double attack rate as much as possible to make it reliable and use the seals according to the situation needed.
Some of the skills from a Judge interact in many ways with its Job Levels, in the case of Absolution, the number of hits increases both with skill level and job level.
Due to its high scaling potential and unique weapons, the Judge is a job that has a very complex start, but once mastered, can dash in and out of combat in great flow.
As a final note, Magister Eye applies a mark to enemies, allowing any Absolution procs to hit multiple enemies anywhere on the screen and deal 1 extra hit.
== <span id="Skills" class="mw-headline">Skills</span> ==
The Judge has access to 100 Job Levels, even with that many, correct spending of points is required as the skills have hefty requirements and interactions.
{|class="wikitable sortable" style="font-weight:bold; text-align:left; width: 100%; min-width: 700px;" cellpadding="20"
!width="16%" style="background: #99d9ea;" | Skill
!width="16%" style="background: #99d9ea;" | Max Level
!width="16%" style="background: #99d9ea;" | Description
!width="16%" style="background: #99d9ea;" | Skill Type
!width="16%" style="background: #99d9ea;" | Details
!width="16%" style="background: #99d9ea;" | Scaling
! style="text-align:center; background-color:#99d9ea;" | Habilidad
| [[File:Judgmentmst.gif|26x26px|Judgmentmst.gif]] Judgment Mastery
! style="text-align:center; background-color:#99d9ea;" | Nivel Máx
| Lv 10
! style="text-align:center; background-color:#99d9ea;" | Descripción
| Increase damage with revolvers
! style="text-align:center; background-color:#99d9ea;" | Tipo de Habilidad
| Passive
! style="text-align:center; background-color:#99d9ea;" | Detalles
| Revolvers are very static weapons with no random options
! style="text-align:center; background-color:#99d9ea;" | Escalado
| None
| style="width: 15%; border-left:1px solid #ccc; border-right: 1px solid #ccc;" | [[File:Judgmentmst.gif|26px|link=File:Judgmentmst.gif]] Judgment Mastery
| [[File:Akimbo.gif|26x26px|Akimbo.gif]] Akimbo Mastery
| style="width: 5%; border-left:1px solid #ccc; border-right: 1px solid #ccc;" | Lv 10
| Lv 10
| style="width: 45%; border-left:1px solid #ccc; border-right: 1px solid #ccc;" | Incrementa el daño con revólveres
| Enables 7% per level chance to activate a double attack
| style="width: 10%; border-left:1px solid #ccc; border-right: 1px solid #ccc;" | Pasiva
| Passive
| style="width: 20%; border-left:1px solid #ccc; border-right: 1px solid #ccc;" | Los revólveres son armas muy estáticas sin opciones aleatorias
| Absolution requires a double attack proc to be used
| style="width: 5%; border-left:1px solid #ccc; border-right: 1px solid #ccc;" | Ninguno
| None
| style="width: 15%; border-left:1px solid #ccc; border-right: 1px solid #ccc;" | [[File:Akimbo.gif|26px|link=File:Akimbo.gif]] Akimbo Mastery
| [[File:Judgequiver.gif|26x26px|Judgequiver.gif]] Judge Quiver
| style="width: 5%; border-left:1px solid #ccc; border-right: 1px solid #ccc;" | Lv 10
| Lv 10
| style="width: 45%; border-left:1px solid #ccc; border-right: 1px solid #ccc;" | Permite un 7% por nivel de probabilidad de activar un doble ataque
| Decreases SP cost of all skills by a certain amount per level
| style="width: 10%; border-left:1px solid #ccc; border-right: 1px solid #ccc;" | Pasiva
| Passive
| style="width: 20%; border-left:1px solid #ccc; border-right: 1px solid #ccc;" | Absolution requiere un doble ataque para ser usado
| Recommended to make SP management easier
| style="width: 5%; border-left:1px solid #ccc; border-right: 1px solid #ccc;" | Ninguno
| None
| style="width: 15%; border-left:1px solid #ccc; border-right: 1px solid #ccc;" | [[File:Judgequiver.gif|26px|link=File:Judgequiver.gif]] Judge Quiver
| [[File:Aurumcrucis.gif|26x26px|Aurumcrucis.gif]] Aurum Crucis
| style="width: 5%; border-left:1px solid #ccc; border-right: 1px solid #ccc;" | Lv 10
| Lv 10
| style="width: 45%; border-left:1px solid #ccc; border-right: 1px solid #ccc;" | Disminuye el costo de SP de todas las habilidades en una cierta cantidad por nivel
| Enchants weapons with extra attack, this power increases with job level
| style="width: 10%; border-left:1px solid #ccc; border-right: 1px solid #ccc;" | Pasiva
| Self-Support
| style="width: 20%; border-left:1px solid #ccc; border-right: 1px solid #ccc;" | Recomendado para facilitar la gestión de SP
| Damage from this effect cannot be reduced or avoided
| style="width: 5%; border-left:1px solid #ccc; border-right: 1px solid #ccc;" | Ninguno
| style="width: 15%; border-left:1px solid #ccc; border-right: 1px solid #ccc;" | [[File:Aurumcrucis.gif|26px|link=File:Aurumcrucis.gif]] Aurum Crucis
| [[File:Magistereye.gif|26x26px|Magistereye.gif]] Magister Eye
| style="width: 5%; border-left:1px solid #ccc; border-right: 1px solid #ccc;" | Lv 10
| Lv 5
| style="width: 45%; border-left:1px solid #ccc; border-right: 1px solid #ccc;" | Encanta armas con ataque adicional, este poder aumenta con el nivel de trabajo
| Marks a target and reduces its flee while marking them on mini-map
| style="width: 10%; border-left:1px solid #ccc; border-right: 1px solid #ccc;" | Auto-Soporte
| Debuff
| style="width: 20%; border-left:1px solid #ccc; border-right: 1px solid #ccc;" | El daño de este efecto no se puede reducir ni evitar
| Absolution uses will hit any marked enemies on the screen with +1 hit, Violent Barrage will deal AoE higher damage
| style="width: 5%; border-left:1px solid #ccc; border-right: 1px solid #ccc;" | TRABAJO
| None
| style="width: 15%; border-left:1px solid #ccc; border-right: 1px solid #ccc;" | [[File:Magistereye.gif|26px|link=File:Magistereye.gif]] Magister Eye
| [[File:Absolution.gif|26x26px|Absolution.gif]] Absolution
| style="width: 5%; border-left:1px solid #ccc; border-right: 1px solid #ccc;" | Lv 5
| Lv 3
| style="width: 45%; border-left:1px solid #ccc; border-right: 1px solid #ccc;" | Marca a un objetivo y reduce su escape mientras los marca en el mini-mapa
| Quickly shoots a target again multiple times according to level after a double attack
| style="width: 10%; border-left:1px solid #ccc; border-right: 1px solid #ccc;" | Desventaja
| Ranged / Special Ranged
| style="width: 20%; border-left:1px solid #ccc; border-right: 1px solid #ccc;" | Alguna bonificación en la marca
| Amount of hits increase even further according to Job Level and if target is marked
| style="width: 5%; border-left:1px solid #ccc; border-right: 1px solid #ccc;" | LV
| style="width: 15%; border-left:1px solid #ccc; border-right: 1px solid #ccc;" | [[File:Absolution.gif|26px|link=File:Absolution.gif]] Absolution
| [[File:Violentbarrage.gif|26x26px|Violentbarrage.gif]] Violent Barrage
| style="width: 5%; border-left:1px solid #ccc; border-right: 1px solid #ccc;" | Lv 5
| Lv 10
| style="width: 45%; border-left:1px solid #ccc; border-right: 1px solid #ccc;" | Lanza balas de juicio a los enemigos marcados, lo que aumenta con los niveles de habilidad
| follow-up of an Absolution with a strong quick shot for high damage
| style="width: 10%; border-left:1px solid #ccc; border-right: 1px solid #ccc;" | Auto-Soporte
| Ranged/ Ranged AoE
| style="width: 20%; border-left:1px solid #ccc; border-right: 1px solid #ccc;" | Daño a los enemigos y el alcance de la habilidad
| Deals splash damage vs marked targets and requires seals
| style="width: 5%; border-left:1px solid #ccc; border-right: 1px solid #ccc;" | LV
{| class="wikitable" style="font-weight:normal; text-align:left; width: 100%; min-width: 700px;" cellpadding="20"
| [[File:Monarchseal.gif|26x26px|Monarchseal.gif]] Monarch Seal
| Lv 10
| Summons a Monarch Seal, required to use most Judge skills
| Self-Support
| Up to 10 seals can be summoned, according to skill level, ATK+1 per seal
| None
| [[File:Royalauthority.gif|24x24px|Royalauthority.gif]] Royal Authority
| Lv 10
| Quickly summons all possible Monarch Seals according to skill level
| Self-Support
| Duration is very short
| None
| [[File:Sealextraction.gif|24x24px|Sealextraction.gif]] Seal Extraction
| Lv 10
| Adds 2% per level chance to generate a seal when attacking or being attacked
| Self-Support
| Seals have a long duration
| None
| [[File:Triggerheart.gif|26x26px|Triggerheart.gif]] Trigger Heart
| Lv 10
| After preparing, infuses bullets and shoots all remaining seals at an enemy
| Ranged
| Deals extra hits according to seals remaining, very high SP cost
| [[File:Vault.gif|26x26px|Vault.gif]] Vault
| Lv 5
| Quickly dashes out of the way, lower cooldown with each level
| Self-Support
| Increases the damage of Death Sentence, Scathe and Trigger Heart on follow-up
| None
| [[File:Deathsentence.gif|24x24px|Deathsentence.gif]] Death Sentence
| Lv 10
| Deals area damage around self
| AoE around caster
| Damage is increased when used after Vault and requires seals
| [[File:Revelation.gif|26x26px|Revelation.gif]] Revelation
| Lv 1
| Summons a revealing light that orbits around the caster for a short moment
| AoE around caster
| reveals any hiding enemies around the caster for a short duration
| None
| style="text-align:center; background-color:#99d9ea;" | Imagen de Habilidad
| [[File:Heavyshot.gif|26x26px|Heavyshot.gif]] Heavy Shot
| style="text-align:center; background-color:#99d9ea;" | Nivel Máx
| Lv 10
| style="text-align:center; background-color:#99d9ea;" | Descripción
| Shoots an enemy with a very powerful attack
| style="text-align:center; background-color:#99d9ea;" | Tipo de Habilidad
| Ranged
| style="text-align:center; background-color:#99d9ea;" | Detalles
| Decreased accuracy the further the enemy is
| style="text-align:center; background-color:#99d9ea;" | Escalado
| style="width: 15%; border-left:1px solid #ccc; border-right: 1px solid #ccc;" | [[File:Inferno.gif|26px|link=File:Inferno.gif]] Inferno
| [[File:Scathe.gif|24x24px|Scathe.gif]] Scathe
| style="width: 5%; border-left:1px solid #ccc; border-right: 1px solid #ccc;" | Lv 5
| Lv 10
| style="width: 45%; border-left:1px solid #ccc; border-right: 1px solid #ccc;" | Hace que su espada se convierta en una llama del infierno con ataques de área
| Shoots an enemy instantly with a lacerating wound
| style="width: 10%; border-left:1px solid #ccc; border-right: 1px solid #ccc;" | Auto-Soporte
| Ranged
| style="width: 20%; border-left:1px solid #ccc; border-right: 1px solid #ccc;" | Daño a los enemigos y el alcance de la habilidad
| Chance to cause bleeding status according to level and requires seals
| style="width: 5%; border-left:1px solid #ccc; border-right: 1px solid #ccc;" | LV
| style="width: 15%; border-left:1px solid #ccc; border-right: 1px solid #ccc;" | [[File:Vigilance.gif|26px|link=File:Vigilance.gif]] Vigilance
| [[File:Violentshot.gif|24x24px|Violentshot.gif]] Violent Shot
| style="width: 5%; border-left:1px solid #ccc; border-right: 1px solid #ccc;" | Lv 5
| Lv 10
| style="width: 45%; border-left:1px solid #ccc; border-right: 1px solid #ccc;" | Ralentiza al enemigo y aumenta la defensa, el aumento con el nivel de habilidad.
| Instantly shoots an enemy and knocks it back
| style="width: 10%; border-left:1px solid #ccc; border-right: 1px solid #ccc;" | Auto-Soporte
| Ranged
| style="width: 20%; border-left:1px solid #ccc; border-right: 1px solid #ccc;" | Daño a los enemigos y el alcance de la habilidad
| Knockback power is 1 cell per level and requires seals
| style="width: 5%; border-left:1px solid #ccc; border-right: 1px solid #ccc;" | LV
| style="width: 15%; border-left:1px solid #ccc; border-right: 1px solid #ccc;" | [[File:Backlash.gif|26px|link=File:Backlash.gif]] Backlash
| [[File:Dragonicdive.gif|26x26px|Dragonicdive.gif]] Dragonic Dive
| style="width: 5%; border-left:1px solid #ccc; border-right: 1px solid #ccc;" | Lv 5
| Lv 10
| style="width: 45%; border-left:1px solid #ccc; border-right: 1px solid #ccc;" | Cada vez que ataca, recibe un daño de ataque físico y mágico.
| Shoots to the skies and brings down dragons to smash on the targets for heavy damage
| style="width: 10%; border-left:1px solid #ccc; border-right: 1px solid #ccc;" | Auto-Soporte
| Ranged
| style="width: 20%; border-left:1px solid #ccc; border-right: 1px solid #ccc;" | Daño a los enemigos y el alcance de la habilidad
| Area of effect is massive and consumes 10 seals and most max SP
| style="width: 5%; border-left:1px solid #ccc; border-right: 1px solid #ccc;" | LV

{{Translated Name|swift_justice}}
=== <span id="Hidden_Skills" class="mw-headline">Hidden Skills</span> ===
When a Judge is killed with 95% or higher exp, it sometimes ressurrects under Frenzy status.

== Conclusion ==
When a Judge's EXP is in multiples of exact 10% (10.0%, 20.0%, etc) they can use a specific chant to draw power from the royal families and increase their attack power massively for a duration. This chant is known by smart judges and can teach the player if they know who to ask.
Los jueces son un trabajo en expansión con muchas capas de habilidades que no están disponibles.

Latest revision as of 16:17, 12 October 2024

Judge.gifSwift Justice

Judge Requires Base Level 15 and Job Level 10 to start the quest.

For Details about the main HQ and unique world interactions of judges, check the Judge Headquarters page.

The Judge has powerful combat potential by using revolvers. A good Judge on the battlefield is a game changer, a bad judge is nothing but a waste.

It's rotations are based on very defined preparation and burst phases.

Best: Massive damage potential, High mobility and range, very quick SP regen.

Worst: Very small SP pool, squishy, extremely skill point starved even with 100 job levels.

Weapons: Revolvers

Gameplay Identity

The Judge has a high damage potential, with an extra resource management in the way of the Seals, this makes the Judge:

An intense management job with multiple layers of preparation that grows exponentially according to its action flow.

Due to its very small SP pool, the Judge can't just mindslessly spam all its skills at once and hope for success, it needs a balanced flow of preparing it's seals (required for most of its skills), and using them to attack enemies.

On the other hand the Judge has very fast SP regeneration with its revolvers, when it has control of how to use its small reserve, they can shine and quickly flow from preparing their seals and bursting down enemies quickly.

Core Gameplay

The Judge's main offensive tool is Absolution a powerful skill that can only be used after a double attack proc (usually from Akimbo Mastery).

Due to this, a good Judge will have decent ASPD, increase the double attack rate as much as possible to make it reliable and use the seals according to the situation needed.

Some of the skills from a Judge interact in many ways with its Job Levels, in the case of Absolution, the number of hits increases both with skill level and job level.

Due to its high scaling potential and unique weapons, the Judge is a job that has a very complex start, but once mastered, can dash in and out of combat in great flow.

As a final note, Magister Eye applies a mark to enemies, allowing any Absolution procs to hit multiple enemies anywhere on the screen and deal 1 extra hit.


The Judge has access to 100 Job Levels, even with that many, correct spending of points is required as the skills have hefty requirements and interactions.

Skill Max Level Description Skill Type Details Scaling
Judgmentmst.gif Judgment Mastery Lv 10 Increase damage with revolvers Passive Revolvers are very static weapons with no random options None
Akimbo.gif Akimbo Mastery Lv 10 Enables 7% per level chance to activate a double attack Passive Absolution requires a double attack proc to be used None
Judgequiver.gif Judge Quiver Lv 10 Decreases SP cost of all skills by a certain amount per level Passive Recommended to make SP management easier None
Aurumcrucis.gif Aurum Crucis Lv 10 Enchants weapons with extra attack, this power increases with job level Self-Support Damage from this effect cannot be reduced or avoided JOB
Magistereye.gif Magister Eye Lv 5 Marks a target and reduces its flee while marking them on mini-map Debuff Absolution uses will hit any marked enemies on the screen with +1 hit, Violent Barrage will deal AoE higher damage None
Absolution.gif Absolution Lv 3 Quickly shoots a target again multiple times according to level after a double attack Ranged / Special Ranged Amount of hits increase even further according to Job Level and if target is marked JOB
Violentbarrage.gif Violent Barrage Lv 10 follow-up of an Absolution with a strong quick shot for high damage Ranged/ Ranged AoE Deals splash damage vs marked targets and requires seals AGI
Monarchseal.gif Monarch Seal Lv 10 Summons a Monarch Seal, required to use most Judge skills Self-Support Up to 10 seals can be summoned, according to skill level, ATK+1 per seal None
Royalauthority.gif Royal Authority Lv 10 Quickly summons all possible Monarch Seals according to skill level Self-Support Duration is very short None
Sealextraction.gif Seal Extraction Lv 10 Adds 2% per level chance to generate a seal when attacking or being attacked Self-Support Seals have a long duration None
Triggerheart.gif Trigger Heart Lv 10 After preparing, infuses bullets and shoots all remaining seals at an enemy Ranged Deals extra hits according to seals remaining, very high SP cost DEX
Vault.gif Vault Lv 5 Quickly dashes out of the way, lower cooldown with each level Self-Support Increases the damage of Death Sentence, Scathe and Trigger Heart on follow-up None
Deathsentence.gif Death Sentence Lv 10 Deals area damage around self AoE around caster Damage is increased when used after Vault and requires seals DEX
Revelation.gif Revelation Lv 1 Summons a revealing light that orbits around the caster for a short moment AoE around caster reveals any hiding enemies around the caster for a short duration None
Heavyshot.gif Heavy Shot Lv 10 Shoots an enemy with a very powerful attack Ranged Decreased accuracy the further the enemy is STR
Scathe.gif Scathe Lv 10 Shoots an enemy instantly with a lacerating wound Ranged Chance to cause bleeding status according to level and requires seals VIT
Violentshot.gif Violent Shot Lv 10 Instantly shoots an enemy and knocks it back Ranged Knockback power is 1 cell per level and requires seals VIT
Dragonicdive.gif Dragonic Dive Lv 10 Shoots to the skies and brings down dragons to smash on the targets for heavy damage Ranged Area of effect is massive and consumes 10 seals and most max SP INT

Hidden Skills

When a Judge is killed with 95% or higher exp, it sometimes ressurrects under Frenzy status.

When a Judge's EXP is in multiples of exact 10% (10.0%, 20.0%, etc) they can use a specific chant to draw power from the royal families and increase their attack power massively for a duration. This chant is known by smart judges and can teach the player if they know who to ask.