Elemental Table

From Echoes Of Morroc
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21px26px Elements Reworked

In Return to Morroc, elements have an impact on the gameplay but no longer are the make or break they once were. The entire elemental table was changed.

The workings of elemental damage for physical attacks (both melee and ranged) is completely changed in place of a fixed modifier, regardless of monster level.

The elements are reworked into 3 groups: Corporal Elements, Natural Elements and Special Elements

Endow Skills

Return to Morroc has very few endow skills:

  • Seven Winds, Shinobi Skill, allows choosing between any non-neutral element except poison.
  • Enchant Poison, Thief Skill, allows enchanting weapon with poison element and a chance to cause poison status.
  • Burning Scythe, Trickster Skill, enchants the scythe with fire element and boosts fire magic power.
  • In case any of these skills is used, all damage will be converted to the element, including statusATK and WeaponATK.

The only ways other than this to get full elemental benefits is either with elemental weapons/ammo or the Elemental Focus.

  • You can also get elemental bonuses from some skills, such as Reaper Form making your damage Dark, or Dracomancer's dragon breath changing according to current buff activated.

Elemental Focus

Elemental Focus is a sub-system of the magic of Return to Morroc. Natural element magic (Fire/Water/Earth/Wind) can generate or consume Focus for their element.

The Stacks can be seen as elemental icons around the player.

  • Skills that generate focus have increasing cast times and cooldowns with higher level, but generate more stacks. Using lower level skills won't increase the stacks past their current skill level.
  • Some Skills are boosted according to the current focus element and stacks amount.
  • Autospell does generate stacks, either from items or skills.

Focus duration is 60 seconds. Using lower level magic can refresh an amount of stacks equal to that point, for example:

  • Casts Lv 10 Flaming Petals, generates 10 Fire Focus.
  • Casting Lv5 Flaming Petals will renew the duration of 5 Fire Focus stacks, the remaining 5 will vanish when the timer is up.
  • This can be repeated, so Spamming lower level magic after generating the Lv10 Focus to keep it up is a viable strategy.
  • A good magic user will know to not drop the stacks after they are obtained by keeping the offensive and weaving different spells into the rotation.

When a Player has 10 Stacks, they get a bonus besides skills interactions:

  • They get endowed with that element for duration, with full bonuses and penalties.
  • They deal 10% bonus damage vs the target advantage element (Like Water Focus vs Fire Enemy, you deal 10% extra damage).
  • This makes some physical builds weaving magic, even if only for the endow, a viable strategy in some cases.

Some unique skills (such as Mystic's Unholy Light) can get unique interactions according to the amount of element focus of the player.

Using a spell of a different element will change the focus to that element, losing any stacks of the previous element.

Elemental Modifiers

Elements apply to final damage. If a target is Fire Lv2 for example, it'll receive 125% damage from any source.

Contrary to Renewal, Elemental endows apply to the entire attack damage on Return to Morroc, not just to weaponATK.

Element Levels

Damage bonus/penalty according to elements has been changed.

Instead of varied amounts of bonuses vs elements, they have fixed amounts up to Lv3.

Lv4 monsters require specific approaches to fight, specially if they are Holy/Dark.

Corporal Elements

The 4 Corporal Elements are: Neutral, Ghost, Undead and Poison.

  • Neutral has no interaction with Undead, is weak vs Ghost and Poison. Neutral has no bonus damage vs anything.
  • Poison is strong vs Neutral, weak vs Ghost and Undead.
  • Ghost is opposed to Undead, meaning both are strong vs each other. Also is strong vs Poison and Neutral.
  • Undead is opposed to Ghost, meaning both are strong vs each other. Also is strong vs Poison.

Natural Elements

The 4 Natural Elements are: Fire, Water, Wind and Earth.

  • Fire is strong vs Earth and weak vs Water. No interaction with Wind.
  • Water is strong vs Fire and weak vs Wind. No interaction with Earth.
  • Wind is strong vs Water and weak vs Earth. No interaction with Fire.
  • Earth is strong vs Wind and weak vs Fire. No interaction with Water.

Special Elements

The 2 Special Elements are: Holy and Dark.

  • Special Elements have a unique interaction with other elements:
  • Holy is strong vs all 4 Corporal Elements(Neutral,Poison,Ghost,Undead). It has 10% extra damage and 10% extra resistance vs them, regardless of Level.
  • Dark is strong vs all 4 Natural Elements(Fire,Water,Wind,Earth). It has 10% extra damage and 10% extra resistance vs them, regardless of Level.
  • Holy and Dark are opposed to each other. They have regular damage bonus and resistance vs each other, like other elements.

Short Guide

Strongest Defensive Choice: Use same element as the attack received. If not available, use element strong vs attack received to mitigate damage.

Strongest Offensive Choice: Use element that is directly stronger vs enemy element for bonus damage.

Best Overall Use: Use holy vs corporal elements, use dark vs natural elements.

Element table