Unique Bonuses

From Echoes Of Morroc

Return to Morroc may feature unique bonuses and penalties to equipment not usually found in RO. this page denotes some of these systems and bonuses.

These bonuses may be present in set bonuses, special items or other varied ways.

Currently Implemented Bonuses

Bonus Name Item Types Variations Usually found in
Skill Autocast All Types Skill A has X% chance to autocast Skill B. Usually a limited skill. Shadow Set bonuses
DEF/MDEF Pierce All Types Ignores X% of the Defense or Magic Defense of the enemy Multiple Locations
Damage vs X +Y% All Types Unlike vanilla RO, cards and items that boost race/size/element damage affect both Physical and Magical Damage. Cards
Attack Range + X Weapons, Headgears and Cards Increases the range of auto attacks and some skills. core feature of Offhand Daggers, from [[Shadowseers] Offhand Daggers, Unique items
Dragon Soul Lv: X Draco Orbs Reduces the cooldown of the Dragon Soul skill according to current Dragon Soul Level. Dragon Monsters and Bosses
X Damage Reduction +y% Special Items Reduces final damage taken by X (Physical/Magic/Special/Critical/All) type of damage in an absolute amount. Unique Items and Cards
Recover X HP/SP on Kill All Types Recovers HP/SP by a specific amount when an enemy is killed in a specific way. Does not work with traps, birds or other special damage types. Specific Items
Leech Rate All Types Chance that physical damage will recover partial damage dealt. All Scythes have 100% Leech Rate. Different bonuses to Rate are individual chances. All Scythes, cards
Leech Power All Types Amount healed from Leech Rate. Different bonuses to Power stack. All Scythes, equipment
Bouncing Bonus Special Items Indicates chance that a skill will repeat on enemies nearby or on the original target if isolated. Skills can have increasing/decreasing power per bounce. Unique Equipment
Skill Splash Special Items Skills that originally are single target may splash. They may or may not have bonus/penalty damage. Unique Equipment
Skill SP Cost Multiple Items Specific or all skills may have reduced or negated SP costs. Decks, other equipment
Activation Special Items and Skills Skill/attack may activate a special condition like Combo Ready, a bonus, a transformation and so on. Dracomancer's Dragon Soul skill, Cards

Currently Under Testing Bonuses

Bonus Name Item Types Variations Usually found in
Auto-Attack Potential + X% Unknown Breaks the cap on auto-attack damage. Auto Attack damage is capped by effective Level and DEX of the user. Unknown
Attack Speed Limit + X Unknown Increases the ASPD cap for the specific job by X. Unknown